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EPIC Alert

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The EPIC Alert, a monthly publication of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington DC, covers issues related to privacy and civil liberties in the Information Age.

Each issue contains:

  • detailed articles on privacy developments in the US and around the world
  • briefing reports on breaking privacy news
  • listing of upcoming privacy conferences and events

Keep up to date on the latest privacy news and announcements with the EPIC Alert.

Subscription is free, although you can support EPIC with your contribution. To support the EPIC Alert, please visit our donation page.

The EPIC Alert has been published since 1994, and currently has a readership of over 17,000. It is among the longest-running electronic newsletters on the Internet.

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EPIC Alert 28.06 (August 6, 2021)

  1. EPIC's Winning Case Against AI Commission Comes to a Close
  2. Federal Court Rejects Challenge to Census Privacy Protections
  3. EPIC Urges DHS to End Use of Face Recognition & AI Systems, Implement Algorithmic Impact Assessments
  4. EPIC, ACLU, & EFF Urge Court to Prohibit Wholesale Forensic Cell Phone Searches When Probable Cause is Limited
  5. New Experts Join the EPIC Advisory Board
  6. News in Brief
  7. EPIC in the News
  8. EPIC Bookstore
  9. Upcoming Conferences and Events

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Subscribe to the EPIC Alert

The EPIC Alert is a monthly newsletter highlighting emerging privacy issues.