======================================================================= E P I C A l e r t ======================================================================= Volume 11.20 October 21, 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Published by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) Washington, D.C. http://www.epic.org/alert/EPIC_Alert_11.20.html ====================================================================== Table of Contents ====================================================================== [1] FBI Backs Down in EPIC Lawsuit for Release of Secure Flight Info [2] Award Winners Question Science Funding for Mass Surveillance [3] Ethics Committee Reprimands Congressman For Misleading Agency [4] Federal Agency Approves RFID Implant for Health Care Use [5] Foreign Government Seizes Indymedia Servers in UK [6] News in Brief [7] EPIC Bookstore: The Identity Theft Protection Guide [8] Upcoming Conferences and Events ====================================================================== [1] FBI Backs Down in EPIC Lawsuit for Release of Secure Flight Info ====================================================================== Faced with an application for an emergency court order filed by EPIC last week, the FBI agreed to quickly release documents in a lawsuit seeking information about the agency's role in Secure Flight, the government's new passenger prescreening system. EPIC submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI last month asking for information about the Terrorist Screening Database, which is maintained by the FBI. Among other information, the database is intended to include expanded watch lists, which will be used within the Department of Homeland Security's Secure Flight program to screen passengers. EPIC asked the FBI to release the documents before October 25, when a public comment period on the testing phase of Secure Flight ends, so that the public could submit informed and meaningful responses to the government's Secure Flight proposal. To further demonstrate the urgency of letting the public know about the database, EPIC cited 213 news articles mentioning the FBI's involvement in Secure Flight. The FBI concluded, however, that EPIC had failed to show any urgency to inform the public about the database, and also found that EPIC is not "primarily engaged in disseminating information," despite case law to the contrary. EPIC filed an application for an emergency court order requiring the FBI to reverse its decision and release the requested information immediately. Faced with the possibility of judicial review of its position, the FBI reversed its decision on EPIC's request the next day. The FBI is now legally obligated to process and release the information as soon as practicable. EPIC sent similar requests for information about Secure Flight and passenger screening to the Transportation Security Administration and Bureau of Customs and Border Protection. TSA, which is responsible for developing the program, concluded that there is no "compelling need" to release the information, and denied EPIC's request that the agency make the documents available to the public before the end of the comment period. The agency also refused to waive fees for duplicating the documents, even though it has never denied EPIC this waiver before. This unusual step creates a significant financial barrier to EPIC's ability to obtain the documents. Customs, in violation of deadlines in the Freedom of Information Act, has not responded to EPIC's request. EPIC is considering next steps. EPIC's motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction: http://www.epic.org/privacy/airtravel/tsdb_tro.pdf Privacy Act notice on the test phase of Secure Flight: http://www.epic.org/redirect/sf_sorn.html Secure Flight privacy impact assessment: http://www.epic.org/redirect/sf_pia.html TSA request to the Office of Management and Budget for emergency processing of June 2004 passenger data: http://www.epic.org/redirect/sf_omb.html Submit Secure Flight comments to TSA online: http://www.unsecureflight.com/action.html ====================================================================== [2] Award Winners Question Science Funding for Mass Surveillance ====================================================================== EPIC Executive Director Marc Rotenberg joined other recipients of the Norbert Wiener Award for Professional and Social Responsibility in calling on Congress and others to examine the redirection of science funding toward systems of mass surveillance. In an open letter dated October 16, fourteen Wiener Award winners cautioned that this shift in research priorities "could pose a fundamental risk to political freedom, privacy, and Constitutional liberty." While expressing support for new technologies that will identify dangerous substances, the letter warned, "there are special risks associated with the development of systems of mass surveillance that must be addressed." The letter explained, "[l]eft unchecked, the consequence of this development could be the adoption of systems of mass surveillance unrelated to any terrorist threats. This will give the government sweeping new capability to monitor private life and thus diminish the freedom and liberty of Americans." The letter stressed that privacy and civil liberty concerns must be addressed in the early phases of research and made a priority throughout implementation. The award winners called on the National Science Foundation, DARPA, the Department of Homeland Security and others "to determine whether adequate safeguards are being developed to protect the civil rights of the populations who will ultimately become the human subjects for the deployment of these systems." The letter concluded, "[t]he American public has repeatedly made clear that it does not support the establishment of vast systems of public surveillance. Yet our science agencies and many of our top researches are now pursuing precisely this mission. We believe this must change." The letter was accompanied by a brief survey of technology programs currently funded by the federal government, including US-VISIT, MATRIX and other data mining and mass surveillance initiatives. The prestigious Norbert Wiener Award is presented annually by the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility in recognition for outstanding contributions for social responsibility in computing technology. Previous winners who signed the letter include Karl Auerbach, Brian Behlendorf, Laura Gould, Dan McCracken, Peter G. Neumann, Severo Ornstein, Theodore A. Postol, Eric S. Raymond, Barbara Simons, Richard M. Stallman, Barry Steinhardt, Joseph Weizenbaum, and Philip Zimmermann. Rotenberg received the award in 2000. The open letter from Norbert Wiener Award winners: http://www.epic.org/privacy/terrorism/wiener_letter.html Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility: http://www.cpsr.org ====================================================================== [3] Ethics Committee Reprimands Congressman For Misleading Agency ====================================================================== A Congressional ethics committee unanimously voted earlier this month that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) used his position to exert undue influence over a federal agency. The rebuke was the second one DeLay received in a six-day period. The U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Standards of Official Conduct admonished DeLay for misleading Federal Aviation Administration officials when he asked them to search for Texas lawmakers who left the state last year to prevent a vote on congressional redistricting. The Committee concluded that DeLay's conduct "raises serious concerns" under House rules that "precluded use of government resources for a political undertaking." It noted that one FAA official later said he felt he "had been used" for political purposes. DeLay's role in the matter "raises serious concerns under these standards of conduct," the report said. In response to a 2003 Freedom of Information Act request, EPIC obtained audio recordings between the FAA's Washington office and field offices indicating that FAA officials were led to believe that DeLay's request was part of a formal Congressional investigation. The committee also admonished DeLay for soliciting political donations from Kansas-based Westar Energy Inc. that created an appearance that such donations would lead to "special treatment or special access to [a] member" of the House. DeLay participated in a Westar golf fundraiser, which raised money for DeLay's political committee around the same time a House-Senate conference on major energy legislation was to take place. The committee deferred a third part of the complaint, which dealt with the fundraising group Texans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, to which DeLay is closely linked. Statement of the Committee: http://www.house.gov/ethics/DeLay_Cover.htm FAA conversations on Texas Democrats obtained by EPIC under the FOIA: http://www.epic.org/open_gov/txdemocrats ====================================================================== [4] Federal Agency Approves RFID Implant for Health Care Use ====================================================================== The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of an implantable computer chip for health care information applications. VeriChip is a radio frequency identification (RFID) device about the size of a grain of rice. Each chip contains a unique verification number that is revealed by passing a scanner over the chip. This unique number in turn links to a medical record (blood type, patient's allergies, prior treatments, etc.) stored on a database. The chip manufacturer claims that the chip, by disclosing a patient's medical information to doctors with a RFID reader, could save lives and limit injuries from errors in medical treatment. The company promotes the chip as a universal means of identification, and expects the device to be used in a variety of applications including financial and transportation security, residential and commercial building access, military and government security. Although the RFID tag in the VeriChip is passive at this stage of the technology -- which makes it impossible for current RFID readers to scan the chip from more than a few feet away -- quick progress in the technology could soon make a chip active. This would enable the chip to spontaneously broadcast radio waves, allowing for human tracking on a permanent basis without requiring the presence of a scanner. The chips have already been used in recent years for non-medical purposes. Once implanted, a VericChip could threaten an individual's right to privacy if she is not able to remove the chip or prevent further scanning of the chip. Indeed, The director of the Office of Device Evaluation at the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health told the Privacy Times (Vol. 24 Number 19, Oct. 20, 2004) that "by agreeing to have the chip implanted, the understanding would be that a patient has tacitly agreed to make information [stored in the VeriChip] available to someone with a reader." She added that the potential for unauthorized medical records access "is an issue." Although no regulation currently exists in the United States to restrict potential abuses of the chip, the European Union and a few other countries around the world already have rules or guidelines in place that apply basic data protection principles to any collection and use of information through the use of RFID technology. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission recently acknowledged that it would have jurisdiction over unfair or deceptive practices that involve the use of RFID tags, particularly in cases where a companyinvolved in tag scanning does not comply with its posted privacy policy. For more information about VeriChip, see EPIC's VeriChip Page: http://www.epic.org/privacy/rfid/verichip.html For more information about radio frequency identification, see EPIC's RFID Page: http://www.epic.org/privacy/rfid ====================================================================== [5] Foreign Government Seizes Indymedia Servers in UK ====================================================================== On October 7, hard drives from two Independent Media Center servers were seized from the London office of the U.S.-owned web hosting company Rackspace. The seizure was performed at the request of the U.S. Justice Department, reportedly in collaboration with Italian and Swiss authorities. The drives were returned on October 12 with no explanation. Independent Media Center, commonly known as Indymedia, is a global media network where independent media organizations and thousands of journalists offer grassroots coverage of news events. The seizure of the Indymedia servers has stifled expression and silenced independent reporting in about twenty countries whose Indymedia sites were hosted on the two UK servers. Indymedia received no court order explaining the situation or its rights because its property was seized from Rackspace. Rackspace was served with the court order and then prevented from providing Indymedia, the owner of the property, with any information as to who confiscated the servers and why. There had been no prior attempt to contact the site administrators or the owners of the hardware. After the seizure, Indymedia was left with no information and unsure of which government to address. The organization remains uninformed as to which country initiated the seizure. Early reports suggested the servers were seized by the FBI, though the Bureau now denies this role. Attorneys from the Electronic Frontier Foundation have agreed to investigate. Indymedia issued a statement saying, "We are concerned over the growing use of international co-operation frameworks by Governments and Law enforcement agencies which can be used to obscure clear legal process, and call for openness and clarity in international co-operation, to ensure due process and that civil liberties are protected." The United Nations is currently establishing a Working Group on Internet Governance to determine whether there is a need for some form of global Internet governance. This case makes it clear that there are civil liberties loopholes in the current governance systems and raises significant questions about international law enforcement cooperation. Indymedia and supporters have initiated a solidarity campaign and drafted a petition against the takeover of their servers. They are appealing to UK MP David Blunkett and U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft for more information regarding the legality of the seizure, the responsibilities of the server host, and the accountability of the countries involved. Indymedia's statement on the seizure: http://www.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/112147.shtml For updates and news on the Working Group on Internet Governance, see the Public Voice web site: http://www.thepublicvoice.org The Public Voice Action Alert: http://www.thepublicvoice.org/take_action/default.html ====================================================================== [6] News in Brief ====================================================================== COURT FINDS METAL DETECTOR SEARCH OF PROTESTERS UNCONSTITUTIONAL A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has ruled unanimously that the screening of protesters outside of the School of the Americas is unconstitutional. Demonstrators gather annually on public property outside of Fort Benning, Georgia to protest the combat training of Latin American soldiers at the School of the Americas (recently renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation). Prior to a November 2002 vigil outside the training facility, the city police instituted a search policy requiring protesters to pass through metal detectors. The protesters argued this policy violated their First and Fourth Amendment rights, but the city said the search was necessary due to the War on Terror and fears of a terrorist attack. The judges responded, "We cannot simply suspend or restrict civil liberties until the War on Terror is over, because the War on Terror is unlikely ever to be truly over." Judge Gerald Tjoflat wrote in the opinion, "Sept. 11, 2001, already a day of immeasurable tragedy, cannot be the day liberty perished in this country." Protesters gathering at the training facility next month will have the right to free speech without first having to be screened. The Eleventh Circuit's decision in Bourgeois v. Peters: http://www.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/ops/200216886.pdf For more information about protesters' rights, see EPIC's Protester Privacy Page: http://www.epic.org/privacy/protest DATA MINER TO OFFSHORE PROFILING SYSTEM The architect of controversial government data mining programs has taken his ideas to a private, offshore company, the Washington Post has reported. Ben H. Bell III, the former director of the Office of National Risk Assessment, helped design the now-defunct Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-Screening program (CAPPS II), and is now using similar concepts and technology with his new employer, Bahama-based Global Information Group Ltd. CAPPS II, a data mining system that strived to color-code threats by airline passengers based on pattern-matching algorithms, was derailed by Congress due to concerns about effectiveness and privacy implications. Global Information intends to privatize this "terrorist risk identity assessment," as well as perform checks on cargo ship crews, foreign job candidates, and those who wish to open U.S. bank accounts. By basing its operations in the Bahamas, the private company is able to avoid U.S. regulatory standards and oversight of its handling of sensitive personal data. For more information about CAPPS II, see EPIC's Passenger Profiling Page: http://www.epic.org/privacy/airtravel/profiling FCC STAYS JUNK FAX REGULATION IMPLEMENTATION Bowing to intense industry pressure, the Federal Communications Commission has delayed implementation of new rules that would prevent "junk faxes," unsolicited commercial facsimile messages that were prohibited by Congress in 1991. The new rule requires commercial fax senders to obtain written consent from recipients, and limits the "established business relationship" exemption, shortening the length of time that solicitations could be sent to eighteen months after a purchase or transaction, and three months after a customer makes an inquiry to a business (see EPIC Alert 11.11). The rules now will not take effect until June 30, 2005. The stay gives Congress more time to consider junk fax regulation. Earlier this year, the House passed legislation, but the full Senate has yet to consider a bill (see EPIC Alert 11.15). In testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee in September, EPIC cautioned that loosening the regulations "will open individuals to hundreds or even thousands of unwanted commercial fax solicitations." A few days after the FCC's stay, the California and Indiana Attorneys General secured a broad-ranging preliminary injunction against Fax.com, a prominent junk fax company, and the company's principals. The injunction requires Fax.com to comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, and prohibits the company from engaging in "war dialing," the practice of randomly calling numbers in order to identify fax lines. EPIC's testimony on junk fax regulation: http://www.epic.org/privacy/wireless/dirtest_904.html For more information about junk faxing, see the EPIC Telemarketing and Junk Fax Page: http://epic.org/privacy/telemarketing BOYER ATTORNEY WINS FRANK CARRINGTON CHAMPION OF CIVIL JUSTICE AWARD The National Crime Victim Bar Association recently awarded New Hampshire Attorney David Gottesman the Frank Carrington Champion of Civil Justice Award. The award is presented each year to an attorney who best exemplifies a commitment to helping victims of crime secure justice through the civil courts. Gottesman received the award for his work in Remsburg v. Docusearch, Inc., in which he represented the estate of twenty-year-old Amy Boyer in a lawsuit against an Internet-based information broker. Docusearch sold a stalker personal information about Boyer, including her work address, which was obtained under false pretenses. Boyer's stalker used the information to track her down and fatally shoot her as she left work. The New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that businesses must use reasonable care when selling personal information and that obtaining that information under false pretenses violates the Consumer Protection Act. The court further held that a jury could decide that selling a person's Social Security Number is sufficiently offensive to warrant monetary damages. EPIC submitted an amicus brief in the case supporting greater privacy protections against pretextual calling and the sale of Social Security Numbers. EPIC also argued in favor of stronger state privacy laws. The National Crime Victim Bar Association: http://www.ncvc.org/vb/main.aspx?dbID=DB_VictimsInfo126 EPIC's amicus brief in Remsberg v. Docusearch: http://www.epic.org/privacy/boyer/brief.html For more information about the Amy Boyer case, see EPIC's page on Remsberg v. Docusearch: http://www.epic.org/privacy/boyer FTC TO HOLD PEER-TO-PEER WORKSHOP The Federal Trade Commission is planning a public workshop on peer-to-peer file sharing. The event, entitled "Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Technology: Consumer Protection and Competition Issues," will be held December 15-16 at the FTC Conference Center in Washington, DC. The workshop is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is not necessary. Topics will include how P2P file-sharing works, current and future applications, risks to consumers, and competition issues such as P2P's effect on copyright holders. The FTC is seeking public comment and requests to participate as workshop panelists. For more information, see the FTC's P2P workshop page: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/workshops/filesharing/index.htm For information on submitting comments or panel participation, see the FTC's Federal Register notice: http://www.ftc.gov/os/2004/10/041015p2pfrn.pdf EPIC's open letter on P2P privacy: http://www.epic.org/privacy/student/p2pletter.html ====================================================================== [7] EPIC Bookstore: The Identity Theft Protection Guide ====================================================================== Amanda Welsh, Ph.D., The Identity Theft Protection Guide (St. Martin's Griffin 2004). http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-0312327099-3 "Identity theft is the fastest-growing category of crime in the U.S. today -- each year, over ten million Americans wake up to find their 'identity stolen.' It's become clear that dealing with privacy and identity issues is an essential part of life in our modern society. Each chapter in this invaluable book contains a self-quiz to identify personal areas of concern, information to help 'take action' and more. This book shows you how to: * Minimize the risk of identity theft * React to stolen identity * Obtain and repair credit and insurance reports * Deal with direct marketers, junk mailers, telephone solicitors * Protect from hacking and spam * Keep kids safe in the online environment * Be aware of surveillance in today's electronic world * Repair a stolen or damaged identity. These invaluable survival skills can no longer be considered optional -- they are essential for life in a wired society. The Identity Theft Prevention Guide is the most complete, authoritative and easy-to-use resource on this crucial topic." ================================ EPIC Publications: "FOIA 2004: Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws," Harry Hammitt, David Sobel and Tiffany Stedman, editors (EPIC 2004). Price: $40. http://www.epic.org/bookstore/foia2004 This is the standard reference work covering all aspects of the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The 22nd edition fully updates the manual that lawyers, journalists and researchers have relied on for more than 25 years. For those who litigate open government cases (or need to learn how to litigate them), this is an essential reference manual. ================================ "The Public Voice WSIS Sourcebook: Perspectives on the World Summit on the Information Society" (EPIC 2004). Price: $40. http://www.epic.org/bookstore/pvsourcebook This resource promotes a dialogue on the issues, the outcomes, and the process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). This reference guide provides the official UN documents, regional and issue-oriented perspectives, as well as recommendations and proposals for future action, as well as a useful list of resources and contacts for individuals and organizations that wish to become more involved in the WSIS process. ================================ "The Privacy Law Sourcebook 2003: United States Law, International Law, and Recent Developments," Marc Rotenberg, editor (EPIC 2003). Price: $40. http://www.epic.org/bookstore/pls2003 The "Physicians Desk Reference of the privacy world." An invaluable resource for students, attorneys, researchers and journalists who need an up-to-date collection of U.S. and International privacy law, as well as a comprehensive listing of privacy resources. ================================ "Privacy & Human Rights 2003: An International Survey of Privacy Laws and Developments" (EPIC 2002). Price: $35. http://www.epic.org/bookstore/phr2003 This survey, by EPIC and Privacy International, reviews the state of privacy in over fifty-five countries around the world. The survey examines a wide range of privacy issues including data protection, passenger profiling, genetic databases, video surveillance, ID systems and freedom of information laws. ================================ "Filters and Freedom 2.0: Free Speech Perspectives on Internet Content Controls" (EPIC 2001). Price: $20. http://www.epic.org/bookstore/filters2.0 A collection of essays, studies, and critiques of Internet content filtering. These papers are instrumental in explaining why filtering threatens free expression. ================================ "The Consumer Law Sourcebook 2000: Electronic Commerce and the Global Economy," Sarah Andrews, editor (EPIC 2000). Price: $40. http://www.epic.org/cls The Consumer Law Sourcebook provides a basic set of materials for consumers, policy makers, practitioners and researchers who are interested in the emerging field of electronic commerce. The focus is on framework legislation that articulates basic rights for consumers and the basic responsibilities for businesses in the online economy. ================================ "Cryptography and Liberty 2000: An International Survey of Encryption Policy," Wayne Madsen and David Banisar, authors (EPIC 2000). Price: $20. http://www.epic.org/bookstore/crypto00& EPIC's third survey of encryption policies around the world. The results indicate that the efforts to reduce export controls on strong encryption products have largely succeeded, although several governments are gaining new powers to combat the perceived threats of encryption to law enforcement. ================================ EPIC publications and other books on privacy, open government, free expression, crypto and governance can be ordered at: EPIC Bookstore http://www.epic.org/bookstore "EPIC Bookshelf" at Powell's Books http://www.powells.com/features/epic/epic.html ====================================================================== [8] Upcoming Conferences and Events ====================================================================== 2004 Big Brother Awards Netherlands. October 24, 2004. Amsterdam, Netherlands. For more information: http://www.bigbrotherawards.nl. DRM 2004: The Fourth ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control. October 25, 2004. Washington, DC. For more info: http://mollie.engr.uconn.edu/DRM2004. 2004 Big Brother Awards Austria. October 26, 2004. Vienna, Austria. For more information: http://www.bigbrotherawards.at. Sunshine on Public Data: Conference on Freedom of Electronic Information. Hungarian Ministry of Informatics and Communications and Central European University. October 26, 2004. Budapest, Hungary. E-mail krisztina.pentekne at ihm.gov.hu. Private and Private International Law Issues Raised by Electronic Commerce. The Hague Conference on Private International Law, the Netherlands Government and the International Chamber of Commerce. October 26-27, 2004. The Hague, Netherlands. For more information: http://www.hcch.net/doc/e-comm_infoe.pdf. IAPP Privacy and Data Security Academy & Expo. International Association of Privacy Professionals. October 27-29, 2004. New Orleans, LA. For more information: http://www.privacyassociation.org/html/conferences.html. Privacy and Security: Seeking the Middle Path. Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario; Centre for Innovation Law and Policy, University of Toronto; and Center for Applied Cryptographic Research, University of Waterloo. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. October 28-29, 2004. For more information: http://www.epic.org/redirect/uwaterloo_conf.html. 2004 Big Brother Awards Germany. October 29, 2004. Bielefeld, Germany. For more information: http://www.bigbrotherawards.de. The 2004 Isaac Pitblado Lectures: Privacy -- Another Snail in the Ginger Beer. The Law Society of Manitoba, The Manitoba Bar Association and the University of Manitoba Faculty of Law. November 19-20, 2004. Manitoba, Canada. For more information: http://www.lawsociety.mb.ca/shopping/default.asp. 2004 Big Brother Awards Hungary. November 25, 2004. Budapest, Hungary. For more information: http://hu.bigbrotherawards.org. National Security, Law Enforcement and Data Protection. British Institute of International and Comparative Law Data Protection Research and Policy Group. December 8, 2004. London, UK. For more information: http:www.biicl.org. 14th Annual RSA Conference. RSA Security. February 14-18, 2005. San Francisco, CA. For more information: http://2005.rsaconference.com/us/general/default.aspx. O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. March 14-17, 2005. San Diego, CA. For more Information: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/etech. 7th International General Online Research Conference. German Society for Online Research. March 22-23, 2005. Zurich, Switzerland. For more information: http://www.gor.de. 5th Annual Future of Music Policy Summit. Future of Music Coalition. April 10-11, 2005. Washington DC. For more information: http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/summit05/index.cfm. CFP2005: Fifteenth Annual Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy. April 12-15, 2005. Seattle, WA. For more information: http://www.cfp2005.org. 2005 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy in cooperation with The International Association for Cryptologic Research. May 8-11, 2005. Berkeley, CA. For more information: http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2005/oakland05-cfp.html. SEC2005: Security and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing. Technical Committee on Security & Protection in Information Processing Systems with the support of Information Processing Society of Japan. May 30-June 1, 2005. Chiba, Japan. For more information: http://www.sec2005.org. ====================================================================== Subscription Information ====================================================================== Subscribe/unsubscribe via web interface: https://mailman.epic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/epic_news Back issues are available at: http://www.epic.org/alert The EPIC Alert displays best in a fixed-width font, such as Courier. ====================================================================== Privacy Policy ====================================================================== The EPIC Alert mailing list is used only to mail the EPIC Alert and to send notices about EPIC activities. We do not sell, rent or share our mailing list. We also intend to challenge any subpoena or other legal process seeking access to our mailing list. We do not enhance (link to other databases) our mailing list or require your actual name. In the event you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe your e-mail address from this list, please follow the above instructions under "subscription information." ====================================================================== About EPIC ====================================================================== The Electronic Privacy Information Center is a public interest research center in Washington, DC. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging privacy issues such as the Clipper Chip, the Digital Telephony proposal, national ID cards, medical record privacy, and the collection and sale of personal information. EPIC publishes the EPIC Alert, pursues Freedom of Information Act litigation, and conducts policy research. For more information, see http://www.epic.org or write EPIC, 1718 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20009. +1 202 483 1140 (tel), +1 202 483 1248 (fax). If you'd like to support the work of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, contributions are welcome and fully tax-deductible. Checks should be made out to "EPIC" and sent to 1718 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20009. Or you can contribute online at: http://www.epic.org/donate Your contributions will help support Freedom of Information Act and First Amendment litigation, strong and effective advocacy for the right of privacy and efforts to oppose government regulation of encryption and expanding wiretapping powers. Thank you for your support. ---------------------- END EPIC Alert 11.20 ---------------------- .