EPIC Public Voice Fund
EPIC seeks to promote civil society participation in decisions concerning the future of the Internet and to recognize individuals and NGOs that champion fundamental rights with courage and integrity.
Over 20 years, EPIC has provided funding for many organizations and individuals to advance this vision.
In 2017 EPIC provided funding for:
- The launch of Lawyers for Good Government
- The European Digital Rights Initiative
- The Digital Rights Fund of the Renewable Freedom Foundation
- The publication in English of a book on The Right to Be Forgotten by former Spanish Data Protection Commissioner Artemi Rallo
- The Spring 2017 meeting of the International Working Group on Data Protection and Telecommunications
- The launch of NOYB - European Center for Digital Rights (Austria)
- The Consumer Federation of America annual dinner (In recognition of an award to Jeff Chester)
- The Equal Justice Works annual dinner (in recognition of David Stern's 25th year as Executive Director)
- The George Washington University workshop on “The EU at a Crossroads: From Technology to High Politics”
- The launch of Lawyers United
- Datos Protegidos (Chile)
- MassAction.EU
- Articulo 12 (Mexico)
- Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (Belgium)
In 2018 EPIC provided funding for:
- Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (Argentina)
- The Campaign for Commercial Free Childhood
- The Center for Digital Democracy
- Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council (CSISAC)
- CPDP2019: "Data Protection and Democracy" (Belgium)
- Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
- Domain Name Rights Coalition
- The European Digital Rights Initiative
- NGO participation in the 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners
- The Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue
- Verified Voting
In 2019 EPIC provided funding for:
- Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (Argentina)
- The Center for Digital Democracy
- Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council (CSISAC)
- CPDP2020: "Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence" (Belgium)
- Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
- The European Digital Rights Initiative
- The 2019 Ridenhour Prizes
- Verified Voting
In 2020 EPIC provided funding for:
- 2020 Privacy Camp Conference
Criteria for consideration
- Work aligned with EPIC Public Voice mission
- Size of budget
- Non-profit status or non-profit sponsor
- Free of corporate or government conflict
Brief letter, approximately 2 to 3 pages. Organizations are asked to provide: name, date and country of incorporation, mission, names of directors, URL, and approximate annual budget
Grant amounts are typically for 5,000 USD.
For more information contact publicvoicefund@epic.org.
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