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National Press
First Amendment Lounge
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Washington, DC
Recent events such as the sale of Nazi memorabilia through Yahoo! France have highlighted a growing realization that the Internet can not ignore national boundaries. The first panel will discuss these recent events with a particular focus on new jurisdictional issues brought about by Internet commerce. Likewise, the application of regional data protection creates new challenges as countries seek to accomodate different legal regimes. The second panel will discuss future prospects for global privacy protection by both legal and technological means.8:00 Registration
8:15 Welcome
Deborah Hurley, Director, Harvard Information Infrastructure Project (HIIP)Marc Rotenberg, Executive Director, Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
8:30 "The Internet and Jurisdiction"
Moderator: Julie E. Cohen, Professor, Georgetown University Law CenterJames Boyle, Professor, Duke University School of Law
David J. Farber, Professor, University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science; Former Chief Technologist, Federal Communications Commission
Michael Geist, Professor, University of Ottawa Law School
Pamela Samuelson, Professor, University of California at Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems and School of Law; Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology
Barbara Simons, Past President, Association for Computing Machinery; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
9:15 "Privacy and Global Society"
Moderator: Anita L. Allen, Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of LawSimon Davies, Director General, Privacy International
Whitfield Diffie, Distinguished Engineer, Sun Microsystems
Oscar H. Gandy, Jr., Professor, University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School for Communication
Austin Hill, Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder, Zero-Knowledge Systems
Paul M. Schwartz, Professor, Brooklyn Law School
Robert Ellis Smith, Publisher, Privacy Journal
More Information: Sarah Andrews, EPIC Research Director, 202-483-1140, andrews@epic.org