The Stripping of Freedom: A Careful Scan of TSA Security Procedures
January 6, 2011
The Carnegie Institute for Science
1530 P St., NW
Washington, DC
Featured Speakers:
- Rep. Rush Holt (Keynote)
- Ralph Nader
- James Babb
- Wes Benedict
- Councilmember David Greenfield
- Kate Hanni
- Jim Harper
- Nadhira Al-Khalili
- Edward Luttwak
- Chip Pitts
- Michael Roberts
- Prof. Jeffrey Rosen
- Bruce Schneier
This one-day public conference will be devoted to an assessment of the TSA airport security procedures and recommendations for reform. Experts in law, aviation security, and health safety, advocates for flyers rights, privacy protection, and religious freedom, as well as lawmakers and policy advisors will participate in the event. The event will also include a rich media display, with images from airport protests, YouTube videos, and campaign materials.
Advance registration is preferred. The program will also be streamed online and questions will be accepted from remote viewers via twitter at #ScanTSA. You can view the live event stream and visit the Facebook event page by clicking on the links.