Note: EPIC is no longer accepting comments as the FTC deadline for comments has passed.
You can follow the FTC's docket on this issue here.
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Background information:
The consent order comes as a result of the complaint filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center ("EPIC") regarding the privacy breach to Gmail users caused by Google Buzz. The FTC complaint alleges that Google employed unfair and deceptive practices when it launched the Google Buzz social networking service. The FTC settlement agreement bans Google from misrepresenting its privacy policies in the future, requires independent privacy audits every two-years for the next 20 years, and requires that Google institute a comprehensive privacy program to safeguard its’ users data and personal information. The order applies to all Google products and services, including Gmail and Google Buzz.
More information:
EPIC "In re Google Buzz" page
FTC Analysis for Public Comment
FTC News Release
Privacy Notice:
The FTC posts all public comments indefinitely on its public Web site, www.ftc.gov. Because comments will be placed on the public record including on the publicly accessible FTC web site, they should not include any sensitive or confidential information. More information, including other routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s privacy policy at http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/privacy.htm.