PRESS RELEASE March 31, 1995 Contact - Marc Rotenberg 202/544-9240 (Washington) Wiretap information - wiretap@epic.org General information -info@epic.org Privacy Hotline - 800/651-1489 ($10 charge)
EPIC OPPOSES NATIONAL WIRETAP PLAN SAN FRANCISCO -- The Electronic Privacy Information Center announced today that it would launch a national campaign to oppose funding for a wiretap plan adopted by Congress last year. The Washington-based public interest organization said that the government has failed to justify the $500,000,000 price tag. The wiretap plan, also known as the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, will require telephone firms to make it easy to wiretap the nation's communication system. The proposal faced strong opposition from industry and civil liberties organizations last year. But the bill went forward after the government offered to pay companies $500,000,000 to make the proposed changes. FBI Director Lou Freeh argued that the legislation was necessary to preserve crime-fighting abilities of law enforcement. But critics charge that the plan will be costly, unwieldy, and leave the nation's telephone system more vulnerable to criminal misuse. Last year EPIC brought suit against the FBI to obtain records relating to the program. "This whole effort has taken place behind a shroud of secrecy. The information that has been disclosed indicates that this plan is deeply flawed" said Marc Rotenberg, director of EPIC. "Not a dollar should be spent on this program. The wiretap plan has also been linked to the controversial Clipper Chip proposal, announced by the National Security Agency in 1993. Clipper also faced strong opposition from industry and civil liberties groups. The White House reportedly backed off Clipper after a petition signed by 47,000 Internet users was delivered to the President last year. EPIC announced that it will provide an Internet address -- wiretap@epic.org -- to anyone on the Internet who need information about the campaign. "We want net users to express their concerns to Congress. And we expect that Congress will take a very careful look at this program before spending $500,000,000," said Mr. Rotenberg. EPIC has also established a "Privacy Hotline" through Western Union. The 800 number service will allow callers to send Western Union Mailgrams(r) to members of Congress expressing opposition to the wiretap plan. The cost for callers to send the letters is $10. Callers will be billed either to a home telephone number or to a credit card. EPIC announced the campaign at the fifth annual Computers, Freedom & Privacy conference held this week in San Francisco. The conference brings together policy makers, business leaders, civil liberties advocates, and on-line users to explore rights and responsibilities in the information age.- 30 -
- Contact your representatives in Congress. Urge them to oppose funding for the FBI's "Telephone Carrier Compliance" program. - Call 800/651-1489 to arrange for the delivery of Western Union Milgrams(r) to your representative and to the Chairman and Ranking Minority on the House Subcommittee on Appropriations ($10 charge) - Send email to wiretap@epic.org for more info Return to the main wiretap campaign page