Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus Demands Answers on Drones and Privacy
Congressman Markey (D-Mass) and Congressman Barton (R-TX) sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), raising concerns about the increased use of drones in the United States. The Congressmen noted, "there is...potential for drone technology to enable invasive and pervasive surveillance without adequate privacy protections." The letter called on the FAA's Acting Administrator to supply key information about the drone program, including plans to ensure that the drone licensing process includes privacy protections and public transparency. In February, EPIC, joined by a coalition of more than 100 organizations, experts, and members of the public, petitioned the FAA to conduct a rulemaking on the privacy implications of domestic drone use. For more information, see EPIC: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Drones.