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NGO Coalition Tells President "Establish Privacy Protections for Big Data"

EPIC along with more than 20 other organizations sent comments to the White House on "Big Data and the Future of Privacy." The organization urged the President to establish new safeguards for organizations collecting "big data" including transparency, accountability, robust privacy techniques, and meaningful evaluation. The groups also urged the President to enact the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights. The incidents of security beaches and identity theft continue to increase in the United States. Meanwhile a new report reveals that consumers are secretly scored by businesses. And the President recently decided to renew the NSA's ineffective telephone record collection program. The White House agreed to accept public comments after EPIC and two dozen organizations petitioned the Office of Science and Technology Policy. The White House has sponsored several conferences on Big Data and the Future of Privacy, though some of the meeting have been closed to the public. A report from the White House is expected on April 17. For more information, see EPIC: Big Data and the Future of Privacy.

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