On Privacy, New Survey Places US Attitudes Among EU Countries
One of the most comprehensive surveys of privacy ever undertaken finds US attitudes toward privacy remarkably similar to those of Europeans. The survey of 15 countries on privacy, and tradeoffs consumers are prepared to make, placed the US squarely in the middle of European countries, roughly between France and Italy on one side and Germany and the Netherlands on the other. The survey looked at current concerns and support for new laws in countries around the globe. According to EMC, "only 27% say there are willing to trade some privacy for greater convenience." A large majority of respondents (81%) expect privacy will decrease in the next five years. But 9 out of1 0 respondents want new laws to limit the sale of personal data. Concerns about privacy and support for new laws is somewhat greater in the US than in other countries. For more information, see EPIC - Public Opinion on Privacy.