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FAA Okays Hollywood Drone Use, But Privacy Safeguards Remain Grounded

The Federal Aviation Administration granted six exemptions for the commercial use of drones to companies in the film and television industry this week. The agency found that the proposed operation do not “pose a threat to national airspace users or national security.” Safety requirements include: line of site tracking, restrict flights to the “sterile area” on the set, inspection after each flight, and prohibiting operation at night. The agency is currently considering another 40 requests from various commercial entities. Currently, no privacy protections are in place to address the commercial use of drones. EPIC has testified in Congress in support of a comprehensive drone privacy law—calling for use limitations, data retention limitations, transparency, and public accountability. The Federal Aviation Administration to develop drone privacy guidelines after an EPIC-lead coalition petition. EPIC also urged the agency to mandate minimum privacy standards for drone operators. For more information, see EPIC: Domestic Drones.

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