EPIC to House Oversight Committee: Support Release of Trump Tax Records
In advance of a hearing regarding IRS oversight, EPIC sent a statement to a House committee urging the release of President Trump's tax returns. As EPIC explained, "candidates for the Presidency have routinely released tax record information to the American public. Mr. Trump broke with that tradition even though he pledged to make this information publicly available." As a consequence, EPIC brought a FOIA suit for the release of the President's tax returns. EPIC recently filed the opening brief in EPIC v. IRS, now before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. EPIC told the court that the IRS has the authority to disclose the President's returns to correct numerous misstatements of fact concerning financial ties to Russia. For example, President Trump tweeted that "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING"--a claim "plainly contradicted by his own attorneys, family members, and business partners." As EPIC explained to the Court and to Congress, "there has never been a more compelling FOIA request presented to the IRS."