APA international privacy NTIA
EPIC Advises NTIA on International Internet Policy
EPIC submitted comments in response to the the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's request for recommendations on its international internet policy priorities. NTIA is the Executive Branch agency that is principally responsible by law for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy issues. EPIC recommended that the administration (1) enact comprehensive privacy law, based on the OECD Privacy Guidelines); (2) encourage US firms to comply with GDPR; and (3) ratify the Council of Europe Privacy Convention. EPIC has urged Congress to update U.S. privacy laws and recently wrote in the Financial Times that “Instead of criticizing the EU effort, the Commerce Department should help develop a comprehensive strategy to update US data protection laws.” EPIC comments to the NTIA also addressed Algorithmic Transparency, security standards for the Internet of Things, and data minimization.