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EPIC Celebrates Sunshine Week With 2019 FOIA Gallery

In celebration of Sunshine Week, EPIC has unveiled the 2019 FOIA Gallery. Since 2001, EPIC has published annually highlights of EPIC’s most significant open government cases and Freedom of Information Act requests. In 2018, EPIC obtained e-mails about mass surveillance programs developed by Justice Kavanaugh as a White House legal advisor, records about the controversial DHS "media monitoring program," communications between the FTC and Facebook about the agency's failure to enforce the 2011 Consent Order, and documents that revealed obscure travel blacklists in the "SecureFlight" program. In the latest FOIA gallery, EPIC also highlight a significant ruling from the D.C. Circuit in EPIC v. IRS where the court stated that the IRS "misunderstands its FOIA disclosure obligations." This is one of two cases EPIC filed to obtain the public release of President Trump's tax records. In EPIC v. IRS, the district court noted that President Trump tweeted, "For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia. Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"

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