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Danielle Citron Testifies on Corporate Responsibility for Online Activity

EPIC Board Member Danielle Citron will testify today before the House Energy & Commerce Committee regarding corporate responsibility for online activity. In her written testimony, Professor Citron stated, "Section 230 should be revised to condition the legal shield on reasonable content moderation practices in the face of clear illegality that causes demonstrable harm. That would return the statute to its original purpose—to allow companies to act more responsibly, not less." In an amicus brief filed with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals last year, EPIC said that Section 230, a provision in the Communication Decency Act, was intended to "encourage internet service providers to police their platforms," not to "give platforms carte blanche to ignore harassment and abuse." Professor Citron was recently selected for the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship and is the author of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace, available at the EPIC Bookstore.

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