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DOJ Says It Will Release More of Mueller Report in EPIC Case

The Department of Justice, as part of the open government case EPIC v. DOJ, has announced in a court filing that it will disclose additional material from the Mueller Report. The DOJ said it had "determined that certain information in the Report now could be released without harming government interests or pending matters." However, the DOJ asserted that it would not publish the additional material until "after the Court has issued its ruling on the redactions" to the Report. Judge Reggie B. Walton is currently conducting an "in camera" review of the complete Mueller Report to determine which passages must still be released. The court recently posed a series of questions to the DOJ about its redactions to the Report, and the DOJ responded to the court this week. Both filings are sealed from the public, but a heavily redacted version of the DOJ’s response shows that Judge Walton questioned every legal basis asserted by the DOJ to withhold material in the Report. EPIC’s case previously forced the DOJ to disclose additional material from the Mueller Report concerning Roger Stone. The case is EPIC v. DOJ , No. 19-810.

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