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Schrems Files 101 Complaints Targeting US-EU Data Transfers

None of Your Business, the privacy NGO established by EPIC Advisory Board member Max Schrems, has filed complaints in all 30 EU and EEA member states against 101 European companies that still forward data about each visitor to Google and Facebook. “We have done a quick search on major websites in each EU member state for code from Facebook and Google. These code snippets forward data on each visitor to Google or Facebook. Both companies admit that they transfer data of Europeans to the US for processing, where these companies are under a legal obligation to make such data available to US agencies like the NSA. Neither Google Analytics nor Facebook Connect are essential to run these webpages and are services that could have been replaced or at least deactivated by now.” says Max Schrems, honorary chair of The complaints come in the wake of a recent the European Court of Justice (CJEU) decision which found the Privacy Shield, which permitted companies to freely transfer users' personal data, illegally infringed EU residents' data protection and privacy rights. EPIC participated as an amicus curiae in the case, arguing that U.S. surveillance law does not provide adequate privacy protections or remedies for non-U.S. persons abroad.

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