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Bookstore - Featured Item

Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws (FOIA) 2010

Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws 2010Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws, published by EPIC in cooperation with Access Reports and the James Madison Project, is the standard reference work covering all aspects of the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The book draws upon the expertise of practicing attorneys who are recognized experts in the field. Appendices include the text of the relevant acts and sample pleadings for litigators. This is a comprehensive guide to FOIA and open government, essential for anyone interested in open access laws. The 25th edition includes updates on international open government resources, a glossary of key terms, and new significant cases.

Bookstore imageThis week's featured publication is Digital Dead End: Fighting for Social Justice in the Information Age

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