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EPIC Open Government

James MadisonEPIC makes frequent use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain information from the government about surveillance and privacy policy. Public disclosure of this information improves government oversight and accountability. It also helps ensure that the public is fully informed about the activities of government. EPIC routinely files lawsuits to force disclose of agency records that impact critical privacy interests.

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EPIC Open Government Project

Recent Cases

Recent Decisions

EPIC FOIA Resources


In recognition of Sunshine Week, a national recognition of public access to information, EPIC releases annual highlights of EPIC's most significant open government cases.

EPIC Advocacy



Guides to the FOIA

Latest FOIA News

  • Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC): A research center at Syracuse University established in 1989 in order to obtain detailed information from federal agencies under the FOIA.
  • The FOIA Project: Operated by TRAC, a comprehensive repository of federal FOIA decisions. Updated daily.
  • The FOIA Ombudsman: A freedom of information blog from the National Archives Office of Government Information Services.

Other Open Government Resources

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